이 블로그 검색
2013년 1월 7일 월요일
Setting 30-day Goals
If I am not doing what makes me exciting, I often get stuck in a rut. So I make goals every day every weeks every months, and goals for my whole life.
Angela teacher showed us a video of a lecture Matt Cutts' 30 day Challenges. I found Climbing up Kilimanjaro seemed interesting. I will add it up in my goals for my whole life. Anyway, I set my 30-day goals for GLPS in the writing class.
(Link to Angela's blog of the video.)
My first goal is to say politely to people.
Step 1 is stop saying directly if it does not help anyone.
Step 2 is to use 'Yes,(and)' Phrases. This Phrase is what my father taught me. If somebody said something that I can't agree, don't just say 'No' directly. Say 'Yes' as much as you can, and use 'and' instead of 'but'. Then people are more likely to follow your words and less likely to fight with you.
Step 3 is thinking positively. Then I don't need to say negative words directly.
My second goal is to sleep early. If I don't attend 2nd self-study time in GLPS, I will sleep until 11:00 PM. If I attend it, I will sleep until 12:00 PM.
Step 1 is to finish using my cellphone before the first self study time and structure phone uses.
I planned to use my phone in this following way;
In the morning, I will check twitter. I will check my twit in morning break times. At lunch and dinnertime, I will use in the same way as morning.
Step 2 is to try my best and live actively in daytime.
My last goal is to study math everyday except holiday.
Step 1 is to adjust class materials using mind-maps or notes.
Step 2 is solving problems of homework prints and the homework book.
Step 3 is solving problems from my supplementation book.
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Hi,I am your mom.^<^*~
답글삭제I knew this blog from your writting teacher' mention. There are a lot of interesting blogs. I wish yours' attractive activities in here.
Your goals are great.(especially,the first is best) And I would like to talk to you."I thought,the practice is important in goal,above all."